Delnice Sport Hotel

Primorje-Gorski kotar County
Hrvatski Hrvatski
Type of the project: Tourism and recreation Municipality of Delnice
The leader of the project: City of Delnice and Primorje-Gorski kotar County


City of Delnice


The facility is owned by the City of Delnice

Estimated value of the project: EUR 1,670,000

Significance of the project

Expansion of accommodation capacities in Delnice with respect to the existing sports infrastructure and the need for development of sport, recreational and health tourism (a multifunctional hall for skating, football field, jumps, a basketball court, trim tracks, cycling tracks, the city park, the Japlenški Vrh Forest Park).

The project involves the following construction activities

Reconstruction and additional work on the old Health Centre and change of its intended use into a 39-room and 84-bed hotel. The construction of accompanying facilities is planned near the site, i.e., parking lots, playgrounds, a smaller park and walking paths.

Realization model

Depending on the investor and market demands, various realization models may be applied: construction rights, public private partnership, lease, sale etc.

Developed documents

Physical planning documents:

  • The project is in compliance with the physical planning documents.

Project documentation:

  • The design documents have been developed for the said project.

Building permits:

  • Building permit.


Damir Majnarić, Director
Goranski sportski centar Ltd.
Phone: +385 51 812 488



Regional Development Agency Porin Ltd.One Stop Service Centre
Phone: +385 51 634 330 • Fax: +385 51 634 340 • E-mail: • Web: